Monday, September 21, 2020


Painted Leaves

Colored bed beneath my feet,
The crisp, fresh air grows cool;
Painted leaves adorn the Earth,
All under Modron's rule

Aging Goddess; powerful, wise
Autumn's picture, Nature's guise
Celebration of beauty,
 the wheel turns on;
With painted leaves ~
'tis Blessed Mabon!

~ Lady Caer Morganna

Last weekend was absolutely gorgeous fall weather! I worked on Saturday but ...

On Sunday, lunch outside at Flanagan's Pub with long-time friends Deb and Dave ...

And a bit later on in the day, we decided to have dinner at The Station at Reinholds Inn.
Deb posing with a couple of her friends.

Crab fries ...

Homemade Chicken Corn Noodle soup cooked by the proprietor, Glenda ...

Speaking of food, last week Chef Jesenia had loaded potato on her menu. Since I can not stand broccoli, she replaced it with the green beans I love so much! ...

This week,  couple of new items from her repertoire ...
Pumpkin Spice Whoopie Pies!
Strawberry Cheesecakes!

A cool mermaid wine bottle top I forgot that I bought last year and recently re-discovered I had ... lol

This weekend, my sister Aurora Skye and I are planning our own little Fall celebration of sorts! Have a great day, friends! Brightest Blessings!!


  1. I’m sad that Summer is over. I love the hazy, hot, and humid weather. I hate having to wear bulky sweaters and jackets. All your food cheered me up. OMG, crab fries. I’ve never had them, but they sound so good. And whoopie pies! My MIL used to make them (plain) so good! And you look so cute with your crown of leaves. Enjoy your day and Happy Mabon

  2. The autumnal equinox, Mabon - the most glorious time of year has arrived! Your Painted Leaves poem is beautiful and appropriate.
    And all of that food looks so delicious - especially the chicken corn noodle soup, the potato green bean dish, and the strawberry cheesecake.
