Sunday, September 27, 2020

Dallas, TX ... and an anniversary (second post for today)

Last week was my 19th wedding anniversary. Brett was in Dallas, Texas on a week of training his company sent him for. While he was there, he snapped a few pics of Dealey Plaza - yes, that's right, the site where JFK was assassinated on that fateful day back in November 22, 1963. I can not stand politics and I am NOT prone to conspiracy theories; however, this particular subject held a strong fascination/curiousity for me and years back I read SEVERAL books on it. Most of the books were written by the parties whom were actually tied to the Kennedy assassination in some way. My reading list was vast and very interesting indeed. The following photos were taken at the motorcade route and the book depository.

The grassy knoll.

Brett also took this litte video with his camera standing in the exact spot where Abraham Zapruder filmed his historical footage that day.

"The Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza"...

Souvenirs from the museum ...

The fur babies were happy to see their Cat Daddy's return home last night ...

Anniversary week - past ...

19 years later ...

Later on that evening, we grabbed a couple of drinks and snacks at a local place located behind our house called, "The Van Reed Inn" ...


  1. Happy Anniversary! 🍷💐 Love the sword arch from you wedding pictures. Cute couple then. Still a cute couple. Wishing you many more happy years.

    1. Thanks so much, CJ! BTW, we had a "Renaissance" wedding theme as you can see. :)

  2. Happy Anniversary Wishes.
    I enjoyed seeing your photographs.

    All the best Jan
