Monday, September 14, 2020

Monday odds 'n' ends

Greetings all. I hope everyone had a nice weekend. The weather here has been gradually getting cooler in the evenings with fall-like temperatures. I had a rare weekend off from work so I made the best of it and decided to spend some time with family and friends. 

On Saturday, my sister Aurora Skye and I did a bit of shopping at The Shady Maple Gift Shop. Then a lovely dinner on the upper deck at The Station at Reinholds Inn ...

We both tried the Chicken Bruschetta (hold the chopped raw tomatoes, of course).

Here are couple of goodies I found at Shady Maple ... the candle smells heavenly!

And, on Sunday had lunch with my friend Deb at The Beverly Hills Tavern then later on an early dinner at The Station at Reinholds Inn.

My friend and co-worker, "Chef Jesenia" surprised me with a special little set of Fall salt and pepper shakers last week - LOVE THEM! Many thanks, Jesenia! 💜💛💚

Among one of the new items on her weekly menu, a homemade Chocolate Peanut butter cake with cream cheese icing baked by her talented son ... sooo yummy!! 

BTW, I absolutely HATE the new Blogger - I mean HATE it - okay? For now, I will stick with it but since they are forcing this crap on us, I may decide to eventually give it up for good - just sayin' ... 😞

Have a great week, friends!!


  1. Sounds like you had a fun weekend. The salt and pepper shakers are adorable. Himself would love that cake (I’m not crazy about peanut butter) Take care.

  2. Oh that candle must smell yummy. I just sent for some bakery scented candles. Oh that cake. I could use a piece of it right now. I hate the new Blogger as well. I kept reverting back to the old Blogger but the new kept popping up so I figured I would give it a try. Ready to go back to the old. FB is pushing the new on us as well.

  3. Awww your very welcome hun you kno you are really loved. And so happy you all enjoyed Luis's he made it with lots of love for you.

  4. This is a perfect time of year and I can't wait for the first day of autumn. I've never heard of a hot chocolate candle, but it sounds wonderful. And I would devour that chocolate peanut butter cake!

    I really HATE the new Blogger, too. It only serves to confuse me -- and now it takes me twice as long to write a blog post.
