Thursday, November 26, 2020

Thanksgiving week

Greetings all! I hope that everyone had a pleasant Thanksgiving holiday (for those of you who celebrate it with their family and friends). Yesterday, we had a very small gathering at my MIL's since many of our elderly family members have already passed on years back.

That being said, we spent a nice day together eating some delicious food and enjoying one another's company ...

We ordered our dinner from a wonderful place located directly across the street from our home called, "Around the Family Table." They cook and bake homemade meals and desserts daily and their holiday dinners are THE BEST since my nana stopped cooking them years ago. We had mashed potatos, stuffing, turkey, ham, green bean casserole with generous pieces of bacon, corn, and fresh buns! And, ALL of that for under $50.00! :) 

My mom chipped in and brought two desserts - the traditional pumpkin pie and pumpkin spice cheescakes! YUMMY GOOD!


Today, I will continue my yearly Black Friday tradition of putting away the fall and Halloween decor and switching up the Halloween tree with Yule/Christmas ornaments - adorning the rest of the house with my winter decorations. While at a local flea market last weekend, I found this set of salt and pepper shakers for only $3.00 - what a bargain! 👍

Well, better get movin' - I have lots to get done today! Take care and have a great Friday, friends!

The dog did it! He knocked over the tree then he ran me down!


  1. Wow! Your feast was a great deal. The salt and pepper shakers are adorable. I'm in the same clean mode so Christmas decorations can come out. Happy cleaning and enjoy your day!

  2. Lovely photographs, pleased you had a Happy Thanksgiving.

    We actually got our Christmas Decorations out today!
    Well it is almost December.

    Have a lovely weekend.

    All the best Jan

  3. Your Thanksgiving meal sounds wonderful and the best part about it is that you didn't have to do any cooking. I like the photos (and they made me hungry!). The flowers are also lovely.

    I'm always very reluctant to put my autumn decorations away, but I usually do it right after Thanksgiving, like you do.

    The photo of the cat and Christmas tree is absolutely hilarious. Thanks for making me laugh!
