Thursday, December 24, 2020

A special Throwback Thursday

Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some people stay for a while and give us a deeper understanding of what is truly important in this life. They touch our souls. We gain strength from the footprints they have left on our hearts and we will never be the same. ~ Wiccan Footprints

This post is dedicated to my very special circle of friends ~ then and now ... 😍

Awesome friends of many years, Deb and Dave ...

My sister Aurora Skye - both friend and family - always! ...

Another good friend of mine, Stew - circa 1997.
With long-time childhood friend, Judy taken at her parents house way back in 1986.
With Judy and Tom at "Flanagan's Pub" back in 1990.

Lady Sabrina Rhiannon - my friend, teacher, and sister of the Craft.

Kiki-girl with me and Deb. celebrating my 55th birthday at Applebee's ...

My beautiful God-daughter, Kyli!

Posing with Etta, my friend and singing partner in crime ... "Sweet Dreams" always, girl!! 
Brett 'n' Etta.

Love this pic with Aurora Skye!

Willow and I circa 1997.

Here's to all of my beloved friends and extended family whom I will forever cherish. Their love and support have meant the world to me. They have been there to share the happy times in my life as well as seen me through many of my darkest moments. I love and appreciate you! ...

