Friday, December 25, 2020

Christmas with family

Greetings friends! Well, another holiday come and gone, but we managed to get through it all fairly well. Minus my dad, my husband's father, and my only brother, it was as per usual just my mom, my MIL, my husband and myself including our mom's two dogs. Before we headed out for dinner at my MIL's house, we exchanged gifts. 

Sir Leo awaiting his gifts ...
Ginger checking out the bag of goodies from Grandma Rita (my mom) ...

My husband managed to find me an exact replacement for my camera that had a burned out flash bulb (YAY!! - not an easy task since Sony stopped selling this model camera five years ago!) and a cool Harley Quinn ornament which I immediately placed on our tree ...
We stopped at my mom's house on the way to pick her up then off to my MIL house. We heated up the feast of food which also included (not pictured) turkey with stuffing and rolls ...

It's funny - I remember as a kid growing up in our house my mom used to have an old stereo turntable with a radio and two large speakers in which she would always play her vinyl Christmas 33 1/3 records on. Today, I took my laptop along and played music off the YouTube ... MY how times haved changed! lol ... 

After dinner, we watched our mom's open their gifts which also included goodies for their dogs as well ...
My mom with her dog, Brandi.

My MIL relaxing with her dog, Tulip.

I took these pics from inside the kitchen door as deer DO NOT like their pictures taken. These were the best I could do - a young buck grazing outside on my MIL's lawn ...


Well, that was our day in a nutshell. How was your holiday? 


  1. Looks like a lovely day. Oh, those cupcakes! I wish I lived closer. Enjoy your weekend.

  2. That first photo of the tree is really beautiful and I love the photos of Sir Leo and the deer(and the other kitties). All the the photos capture the warmth and happiness of your Christmas celebration.

    I'm also glad you got a replacement for your camera. That was a very thoughtful gift!

    1. Thanks, Jon! The first pic of the tree was taken at my mom's house in her living room yesterday. Funny thing is, THAT was actually my very first tree when I lived in my old third floor apartment. The tree in the other pics actually belonged to my mom, but we traded trees because she liked mine and wanted something smaller (4 foot tree). LOL!

  3. Looks like you had a great Christmas Kim! Really enjoyed all the special photos!! That top looks amazing on you! Big Hugs!
