Sunday, December 13, 2020

Sunday odds and ends


Greetings, friends! Hope all is well with everyone. Between work and getting ready for the busy holidays, it has been the usual madness around here but doing my best to keep up with it all. Yesterday, I helped my friend Deb wrap all of her Christmas presents - with the help of her cat Jack that is ...

Deb and hubby Dave goofing around, lol

Last night, I added some finishing touches to my Mermaid Tree and placed my few presents for friends and family underneath it ...

As well as preparing my Yule altar ...

Speaking of trees, I have had a problem with Sir Leo chewing on the artifical needles on the main Yule Tree in the living room. So,  yesterday I finally decided to buy some oranges and use the juice to mix with water in a spray bottle. I sprayed the bottom row of the branches on the tree in an effort to deter him from chewing. So far, it has worked. Fingers crossed.  

Last Thursday, I had to get a tooth pulled and have been living on soup, mashed potatoes, mac and cheese, and the like for days now. None-the-less, I have been gaining weight - A LOT of weight - as of late. After the holidays, I need to get back on my strict diet and my weekly exercises! Besides feeling bad about myself, worst of all my knees are hurting terribly from the extra weight. And, since I was recently diagnosed with severe arthritis and osteoporosis throughout my entire body, I can not allow this weight gain to continue ... period!

We are expecting bad weather here in the beginning of this coming week, so I will most likely have to have my husband (who is off this entire week) take me to work and back for a couple of days. I only need to get through the next week and a half until my company holiday shut-down. CAN NOT WAIT!!! I have lots to do!

And last, but certainly not least, a special shout out to my blogger friend, Jon from his blog Lone Wolf Concerto. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, my friend!

Take care and brightest blessings all!!


  1. Busy, busy at your house. Yesterday, I wrapped stocking stuffers for the Eldest and made her a Christmas card. That package has to go out by tomorrow. Some snow today and a bigger storm coming Wed. Stay safe!

  2. When I saw Happy Birthday Jon, I initially thought "who's that?". Then I said "Could that possibly be me??" How very sweet! Thank you!!

    I have never been very good at wrapping presents. It takes a lot of work and patience - - but the work is easier when you get help from a cat.

    Your mermaid tree is so unique - I like it.

  3. So much fun with you and your friends! I love your mermaid tree Kim! Gorgeous! I am sorry about your tooth! Don't beat yourself up about your weight! You will get it off again! Stay safe and healthy! Big Hugs!
