Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Groundhog Day 2021 Announcement

So very sad! Although, not terribly surprising. More victims of the mainstream media and hyprocritical Socialist Democratic party hysteria ... smh. None the less, I am still planning to watch it.

BTW, without getting into too much detail, I have very recently been a victim of the so-called "tolerant" liberals who have thought it was their personal right to deface and destroy my car and my husband and myself's home and property simply because we had the audacity to hang a flag supporting President Trump in our OWN yard a month ago - since then we have been attacked  TWICE for it ...

Our lawn after they choose to rudely and disrespectfully tresspass onto our front yard and plow down my husband's VOTE FOR TRUMP sign with their vehicle.

Picture taken after I cleaned my car off from the paint thrown all over it! You can still see the paint left in our driveway behind my car.

Let's get this perfectly straight - THEY had NO right. I do not care who anyone supports, I would never have done anything such as this to anyone!

Just my observation and view so the comments have been disabled for this post as my personal opinions are NOT up for debate nor agrument. Just for the record, I do not believe everything the media tells me to - see, I choose to think for myself and use commom sense. 

Have a great day all!