Sunday, January 17, 2021

Sunday this and that

Blessed Sunday, friends! This has been one of the few three-day weekends I have had in a while as I have the Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday off from work tomorrow. So, I have been busy doing some much-needed work in my altar room - especially with Imbolg coming up. While cleaning up and organizing, I happened to find a heart-shaped wreath I had forgotten that I had - funny how you come across things that way, eh? Anyhow, I finished decorating it Friday night and created a new Imbolg wreath ...

I also began setting up my sabbat altar as well ...

This year, I added something a bit new. I found a small cinnamon besom to use for smudging before my ritual. It smells wonderful! But other than the pleasing scent, the properties of cinnamon are very useful indeed. Cinnamon is good for grounding, protection, success, attracting money, even love and sex magick. 

This past week, I had been working downstairs until around 3AM. I plan on finshing up today. 

Have a great rest of the weekend everyone! Brightest Blessings!

Gratuitous Merlin pic. 


  1. Your heart wreath is adorable. I'm waiting for Spring when the wreath you made me can come out of storage to be put on the wall. Enjoy your 3 day weekend and headbutts for Merlin.

  2. Everything looks so pretty Kim! Love your heart wreath! Enjoy your weekend! Give Merlin a hug from me! Big Hugs!
