Sunday, February 14, 2021

Is anyone interested?

Greetings everyone! I am considering holding a giveaway for my newest mermaid bottle creation. If anyone is interested, please leave a comment to this post. Thank you.


  1. Hi! The mermaid bottle is lovely! Is there something I need to do to enter the giveaway?

    I just found your blog and so happy I did! The Monkees videos bring back lots of good memories.

    1. Welcome, my friend! Well, I will need to know your name (or name you use) so that if you win the giveaway I will be able to let you know via my blog. lol

      Other than that, no you do not need to do anything special. Thank you so much and I am glad that you like the mermaid bottle and my blog! Brightest Blessings!

  2. This is very pretty! Looking forward to us doing crafts together again soon 🙂

  3. So pretty Kim! Love to be entered into your giveaway! Big Hugs!

  4. It is very pretty. I love making things like that. Just started making keepsakes from a 24 day road trip I took.

  5. It's very pretty.
    But please do not include me in the give-away.

    My good wishes.

    All the best Jan
