Sunday, February 28, 2021



Greetings all! Although it is currenty raining cats and dogs here, I stayed home today and began replacing my winter decorations in my home with my spring decor! THINK SPRING!!!!!! ...

My small handmade spring wreath.

And, last but not least, an awseome pic of  "Moose," a Cadbury Photo Contest  Try-outs applicant (courtesy of my friend Renee Nichole) ...


  1. I LOVE all of your spring decorations and plan to get mine out this coming week. It rained here Friday and Saturday. Today it's warm and very windy - - feels like Texas!
    I think spring is finally heading our way!

  2. Your Spring decorations are beautiful. I usually put the Spring wreath you made me out on the equinox, but maybe I'll put it out tomorrow as it is meteorological Spring. Moose is adorable! Ink would not have stood to have rabbit ears or a bow tie put on him.

  3. I like your Spring décor.
    Happy March wishes.

    All the best Jan

  4. I love your decorations Kim!!! Moose is so cute! Big Hugs!
