Sunday, April 18, 2021

Sunday odds 'n' ends

Happy Sunday everyone (God, is it Sunday already?). Not much new happening here except for a couple of little things. Yesterday, my sister Aurora Skye and I spent the afternoon hanging out and frequenting our usual local shopping haunts. 

We stopped at the cool little shop located right down the road from my house called, "The Mint Leaf" where - among a few other items - I picked up these pretty handmade wooden mermaid tail earrings. They are VERY light so they do not pull on your ear lobes at all ...

I also bought this Sage & Mint hand and body lotion locally made by The Stinkleberry Soap Company. It is made with extracts of Chamomile and Green Tea, olive oil, shea butter, and Jojoba oil. It smells great! ...

After we got back from shopping, I saw that a bracelet that I ordered early last week had come in the mail. It is an awesome little souvenir of my home State of Pennsylvania ...

A specially created bracelet from the "Homes Bracelets" website. My birthstone of amethyst and a bead made from the earth of the State of Pennsylvania. 

My sister Aurora Skye has three of these beauties. The one shown in the picture below is made with rose quartz gemstones and the bead is from the earth of Erie, PA ...

Also this week, I received an Alcon Recogneyes "chip" at work for producing 1,139 10K eye surgery probes in one shift by myself. Although my record still stands at 1,252 total probes in one night. The set goal rate for my particular job is 100 per hour ...

While going through some of my old pics this week, I came across two of the photos left over from our bus trip to New York City to see the musical, "Gypsy" in 2014...

This is a pic my husband took of my brother and I on Time Square before the start of the show ...
As for today, I am just staying home cleaning, performing a much needed hair coloring, and chilling out before it is back to the rat race tomorrow, 
Have a great day, friends!! 


  1. That's a good selection of purchases.
    That hand and body lotion must smell lovely.

    Have a good week.

    All the best Jan

  2. I bet the hand lotion smells divine. Congratulations for being Reconeyesed at work. 💐

  3. The lovely "Homes Bracelets" are a unique concept - a beautiful idea. Congratulations for receiving the Alcon Recogneyes "chip"!

    I never knew Patti LuPone was in "Gypsy". That must have been an exciting trip to NY.

  4. I love the bracelets! So pretty! The hand and body lotion must smell so nice! Congrats on your work!!! Big Hugs!
