Sunday, April 25, 2021

Sunday odds 'n' ends

Blessed Sunday everyone! Nothing too exciting to speak of, except yesterday my husband surprised me with this little pot of pretty flowers ...

And, two delicious slices of chocolate chip cheese cake! ...

I thanked him by taking him out for a steak dinner at Flanagan's Pub last night. Needless to say, we do not get out as much as we used to so it was a bit refreshing and definitely needed!

Also, yesterday morning I had a dentist appointment for my teeth cleaning which I schedule ahead of time every six months. I would have had to cancel it and re-schedule due to my company starting up their yearly life-suppressing mandatory overtime for months at a time, but fortunately I had a 1 in 4 day saved up from all the overtime I had to work last year. A "1 in 4 day" means that you actually have to "earn" a day to be "excused" from having to work a weekend by working  3 weekends first - we are not allowed to use any PTO/vacation days to get out of working it either! One of the things that I hate about my job is the mandatory (not voluntary) overtime because I purposely try to schedule my necessary doctor appointments for a Saturday so that is does not interfere with my weekly work schedule and when they pull this stuff on us at will it is honestly just not right. That is one of many reasons why I am trying so hard to get another job - quite frankly, I have had enough. And, before anyone judges my views on the subject, I suggest that they actually do my job before commenting. 😦 My job is both physically and mentally demanding! So far, I have heard from one or two companies regarding Housekeeping positions that I have applied for. Boscov's Distribution Center called and left a message while I was at work on Friday so I will call them back tomorrow before I leave my house. 😊

Now, anyone who actually knows me knows how much I do not like to waste anything before trying to find some sort of use for it. My husband bought a Game of Thrones Limited Edition Whiskey which came in a cool tall box. I plan on using it to store my incense sticks in ...

As for the remainder of the weekend, I am just going to chill out with my fur babies as usual. 

(Gratuitous Sir Leo pic)

Have a great day all!


  1. You got some nice treats from your hubby! Glad you both got to go out for a nice dinner! I hope you get a new job Kim! Sending you many good wishes! Big Hugs!

  2. I forgot to say, that tall box is cool! I would reuse it too! Big Hugs!
