Thursday, April 29, 2021

Throwback Thursday - Of Beltane Past ...

Our group of friends celebrating with us on Beltane back in 2002 (me, Naomi, & Rhiannon) ... 👪

The symbolic "Great Rite" - the sacred marriage/uniting of the Goddess and God ...

A little snapshot of my sister Aurora Skye and I from 2004 ... 💗

An old pic of my sweetest beloved Mr. Midnight taken years back on Beltane. He was helping me decorate the house "festively" ... 💚
A fantastic performance of one of my favorite romantic rock songs of all time, "Thank You" recorded live on May Eve - 2017. And THANK YOU Jimmy Sakurai for keeping the music alive! ... Enjoy!


  1. That Greenman is awesome. So is the Greenkitty, Mr. Midnight.

  2. Love seeing all these photos!! Big Hugs!
