Sunday, May 09, 2021

Happy Mother's Day wishes (and other stuff)

Wishing all mommy's out there (whether they are still with us here on Earth or have passed on) a very Happy Mother's Day! This, of course, includes cat (and all fur baby) mommies as well - after all, I myself, have five lovely "kits" with paws!  💓💓💓💓💓

Today, I plan on doing some much needed house cleaning and then chilling out with my cats later on this evening. But, in between, I have some "homework" to do as this Wednesday there will be auditors visiting me and my fellow co-workers as they are scheduled to do every year. So, I brought home the SOP (Safety Operation Procedures) for the machines which I am trained on and use each and every day. Naturally, I am nervous as hell that they will ask me a question that I will not know the answer to. In which case, we are directed to go to the computer and look it up with the auditor watching! UGH! Wish me luck.

Also, last Saturday, some of my co-workers as well as myself, received a little RecognEYES gift in the mail. A few months ago, every employee was given 1000 RecognEYES points in which to use to order a gift on the company website catalog. Some people used it to transfer the points to a gift card towards an Amazon account or other. But, if you did not use your points by a certain time, they expired. Therefore, employees such as myself received this instead ...

Not to sound ungrateful or anything, but quite honestly, I seriously have no use for it and have absolutely no intention of utilizing it. You know me and technology - I am truly not interested in that stuff - it is just not for me! Personally speaking, I subscribe to the ideology of "K.I.S.S." (KEEP IT SIMPLE STUPID) - gotta love Judge Judy. And yes, I actually do own her three books and that is the title of one of them. lol

Have a Blessed Day everyone!!


  1. Happy Mother's Day! 💐 And don't worry about the audit. I bet you'll do great.

  2. Happy Mother's Day Kim! You'll do great at work! I'll be thinking of you. Maybe the gift you got, you can use a gift? Someone might like it! Big Hugs!
