Wednesday, May 19, 2021

LONG overdue!!!

“In Pennsylvania, the business community is challenging Democratic governor Tom Wolf’s executive overreach amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Pennsylvanians’ year-long calls for lawmakers to limit Wolf’s emergency powers have resulted in a historic ballot referendum, which would amend the state’s constitution and restore checks and balances if passed. Voters will be presented with that opportunity during the May 18 primary next month.”
 - PA State Rep. David Rowe

... Fast forward to yesterday, May 18, 2021:

The language of the ballot questions you will vote on is intentionally vague. Furthermore, there were (and this WAS happening yesterday) more problems for the PA voters to deal with ...

(As posted yesterday by PA State Rep. Andrew Lewis):
"They call us crazy because we want to fix the voting laws in PA and safeguard elections, but get this:
-The machines were literally not scanning REPUBLICAN ballots throughout Fayette County today due to barcode printing errors. This is not a conspiracy theory, this is what factually occurred today in an entire PA county. Thankfully they caught it and took action — a judge has granted an injunction requiring a hand vote count in these precincts.
-Precincts across York, Lebanon and Delaware counties RAN OUT of GOP ballots today. They ran out. Officials did their best to rush new ballots to those precincts and an injunction was sought to extend voting hours until 10 pm. But this is mind blowing — they literally didn’t print enough GOP ballots! This comes after Gov. Wolf switched us to the paper ballot system with no valid justification, another reminder that there is genuinely no depth to the ineptitude of this administration.
-In Lancaster — a heavily Republican county — the machines were incorrectly scanning mail-in ballots that contained the amendment and referendum questions, because these ballots were printed incorrectly and the machines were reading multi-page ballots OUT OF ORDER.
Enough is enough, PA. Every election official responsible for these errors all the way up the chain needs to be fired. Heads need to roll. And our voting laws need to be updated NOW.
Here’s the solution: We can and will fix this by updating our election code and rectifying these issues so it’s 1) easy to vote and 2) hard to cheat. We have been drafting legislation in the State Government committee to restore and safeguard the integrity of our elections. And I better not hear a PEEP from “progressives” and bureaucrats in opposition when we introduce these bills. I’m beyond pissed off that election issues in PA are this blatant and yet voters who are being actively disenfranchised, discriminated against and turned away at the polls are still not taken seriously. This needs to be fixed NOW."

(Posted today by PA State Rep. David Rowe):

By a comfortable 54% margin, the citizens of the Commonwealth chose to restore the balance of power, protect lives and livelihoods, support our small businesses, and safeguard our children’s education!
Thank YOU for supporting our efforts, thank YOU for voting, thank YOU for choosing freedom."

(and THANK YOU to all of the PA Reps for fighting so hard for US!)

"We did it. It is now clear that the majority of Pennsylvania voters across our commonwealth voted YES to restrict the governor’s unilateral power, and in doing so, we chose freedom. Despite misleading ballot questions, problems on Election Day, and nonstop attempts this past year to scare you into choosing security over liberty, you spoke loud and clear that here in Pennsylvania, the government actually answers to the people and the people will ALWAYS have the final say. I am beyond proud. Let’s make today the dawn of a new era in Pennsylvania where we reclaim our sovereign individual liberties, we continue to limit government power, we finally veto Tom Wolf and all authoritarians like him, and we become the leading, thriving state that we could be. Let’s roll!" said PA State Representative Andrew Lewis.

... And the saga continues ...


Of course, this DOES NOT bring back the many businesses, people's livelihoods - Wolf is responsible for the loss of over 500,000 jobs! which HE created due to the thoughtlessly irresponsible way in which he handled this enitre COVID situation, and let's not forget the hundreds of elderly people he condemned to their deaths who were stuck in nursing homes. Oh yes, and that former piece dirt PA Secretary of Health Dr. Richard (aka Rachel) Levine who made sure to get HIS own mother out of the nursing home she was in right after this whole shit storm began! Now all we need to do is find a way to GET KING WOLF OUT! Although, I doubt it is possible - we will simply have to endure his dictatorship until November 2022. The only good part is that he can not run again - NOT that he would win without voter fraud which my State definitely allowed to happen during the Presidential election last year!



  1. Long overdue, indeed! I hate Wolf and he's not even my governor. His sorry ass should have been kicked out long ago for destroying his state.
    Election fraud is my biggest concern because it's so rampant that I don't think it will ever stop.
    GREAT post, Kim!
