Sunday, May 23, 2021

Sunday this and that

Happy Sunday all! Well, I was supposed to work this weekend, but thankfully, it was cancelled because of an order of components which they were waiting on to arrive.  And so yesterday, my sister and I decided to spend an afternoon catching up and shopping - kinda a last HOORAH before the wretched mandatory weekends begin ... 

We stopped off at the local Yankee Candle store where they had some spring items on sale for 50% off ...

These votives smell JUST like Strawberry Quick! 💗

Delicious chocolate scented candles, too!

And a lovely spring candle holder with a Fresh Mint scented candle. I also found a pretty daisy topper to go with them! ...

We had a nice lunch at Flanagan's Pub ... 💕

And last, but not least ...

... a HUGE HAPPY BIRTHDAY today to my fantastic co-worker - Ms. Sonia!! I met her only a year ago after I began working at Alcon and what a SUPER lady she is! She has got to be one of the most caring people I have ever had the pleasure of working with! And, by far one of the most hardest working women I know. She was born in Montego Bay, Jamaica and has four beautiful children. She works two full-time jobs - second shift with me and third shift at a nursing home. However, I did not truly get to know her very well until last summer when she and I worked side by side together on my job workstation for three months. I am so glad that I had the opportunity to get to know her better throughout this time. We shared much about ourselves which I rarely share with very many people - most especially co-workers. She and I are the very same age and despite the fact that she had lived a pretty difficult life, she loves ALL people! And if you are fortunate enough to work with her, you can see it certainly shows. She LOVES to laugh. so I gave her two birthday cards - one nice and one funny one - she loved it and could not thank me enough. You are very welcome, Ms. Sonia!


This is the gorgeous cake that her daughter sent to her on Friday night at her second job at the nursing home.  😍

Have a blessed Sunday, friends!



  1. How cool to get a surprise weekend off and a wonderful way to spend the time off with your sister. Mmmm, Strawberry Quik. That brings back memories. Happy Birthday to Ms. Sonia. 💐

  2. I'm glad you had a workless weekend and spent time with your sister. Chocolate candles sound good enough to eat. I'd completely forgotten about Strawberry Quick - - haven't had any since I was about ten years old. I really love the bunny candle holder!

    Ms. Sonia sounds like a very special (and hard-working) lady. Happy birthday and good wishes to her!

  3. So pleased you had such an enjoyable weekend.

    Ms Sonia sounds a very special person, happy birthday wishes to her.

    Have a good week.

    All the best Jan

  4. Kim, I was positive I commented on this post. Sorry it didn't come through. That was nice to get a surprise weekend off! Love all the treats you got! I love candles! Happy Birthday to Sonia! Big Hugs!
