Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Tuesday odds and ends


Yesterday morning before work, I took Leo to our vet for his follow-up appointment. At this time, he has been cleared as back on track, but as is always the case with F.U.S. cats, we will have to keep him on his prescription food for the remainder of his life and consistantly closely monitor his potty routine. We also had his yearly routine shots administered ...

My husband found a cool and inexpensive new athame/small sword online for me and it arrived in the mail just yesterday ...

Brett and I enjoying a nice lunch at Beverly Hills Tavern's outdoor Beach Cabana Bar with friends Deb, Dave, and Kyle ...

The weather was hot and humid as it has been lately here, but we did have a nice breeze to go along with it ...

Afterward we stopped off at a little country bar called, "Huey's" where the owner's mother showed us her new black rescue kitten before heading for dinner at The Station at Reinholds Inn ... 

Last week's dinner specials were Chicken Bruschetta with linguine and stuffed shells with ricotta cheese ...

Have a great Tuesday, friends!

Friday, June 25, 2021

Fun Friday

Friday at last!! Here is a little something to make you smile. Have a great day everyone!

Sunday, June 20, 2021

Happy "Belated" Birthday!

Last Saturday was my sister Aurora Skye's birthday. Since it happened to land on a weekend this year, we decided to celebrate this weekend and make it a "belated" birthday celebration. We met my friends Dave and Kyle at the Beverly Hills Tavern for lunch ...

We split an order of crabby melt fries and crabby dip with tortilla chips ... YUMMY!

Dave and Kyle split the large steamed shrimp with butter.

Love this pic ... 💜

We attended the annual "Art of the Avenue" event in West Reading, but did not stay very long due to the nasty, hot and humid weather (bright side is it did not decide to rain until later on in the day). Then, we headed back to my house for home-baked strawberry cupcakes with chocolate frosting and sprinkles ...

In the evening, my husband and I had a nice dinner down the road from our house called, "Klinger's at The Airport." They had a band called "Shades of Grey" for a bit enjoyable entertainment while we ate ...

Have a great Sunday!

Thursday, June 17, 2021

Throwback Thursday


A Little Bit Me, A Little Bit You ...

Of all the marriage ceremonies for which I have had the pleasure of officiating, the one wedding which has meant the most to me has been my dear friend and fellow clergy woman, Lady Sabrina Rhiannon's. She and her husband had decided they wished to have a legal Christian-Pagan Handfasting ceremony. In other words, an inter-faith wedding.
Lady Sabrina Rhiannon had performed the legal handfasting for my husband and I just a couple of years before and I was elated to have had the opportunity to return the favor - most especially because we had become such close friends. The wedding ceremony, written by Lady Sabrina Rhiannon herself, was a lovely union between  Paganism and Christianity.

To my delight, the wedding took place in the exact same Lutheran church I had grown up in. As it turned out, her husband had attended the same Sunday School there as I so many years ago. 

The ceremony had all the elements of a Pagan Handfasting such as the calling of the corners, invoking the Goddess and God and the joining of the couples' wrists to represent the "tying of the knot," together with the parts of a Christian wedding including the couples' vows and their exchange of rings. Add to all of this the love and support of your family and friends and you end up with a beautiful ceremony and a lifetime of memories you will never forget.
As with my own Handfasting ceremony, there were pamphlets handed out to all of the guests, explaining what they were about to witness. This is particularly helpful to the non-Pagan guests in attendance.

(This was the pamphlet which my husband & I gave out at our Handfasting)

Quite truthfully when it comes down to it, we are all a part of the same "religious family", so to speak, and in the end it's all about the love.
Three generations of reiki - My Reiki Master Fran (Lady Sabrina Rhiannon), me and Fran's Reiki Master Vladimir Cucura, Jr., CRM.

Sunday, June 13, 2021

Sunday This and That ...


Yesterday, the weather gave us a break in the rain and the humidity a bit. We were supposed to work mandatory 8 hours, but THANKFULLY we got lucky this week as they had to work on the building and we were told there would be no running water. So, I made the best of it and spent the day out with my friends Deb, Dave, and Kyle ...

Lunch at Beverly Hills Tavern ...

Crabby Melt fries.

And, dinner at The Station at the Reinholds Inn. Dave goofing around with Chef Brooklyn ...

Leo and Butterscotch chilling out together on the bed this morning ...

Have a great Sunday everyone!!

Friday, June 11, 2021

Tuesday, June 08, 2021

It's Tuesday

On Sunday, I decided to hang out at home with my fur babies and, well, I did something I have not had the time to do in a very long while - bake cupcakes in my air fryer oven. It's so easy! ...

One ...

Two ...

Three ... !

It is another hot and humid day today - stay cool everyone!