Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Tuesday odds and ends


Yesterday morning before work, I took Leo to our vet for his follow-up appointment. At this time, he has been cleared as back on track, but as is always the case with F.U.S. cats, we will have to keep him on his prescription food for the remainder of his life and consistantly closely monitor his potty routine. We also had his yearly routine shots administered ...

My husband found a cool and inexpensive new athame/small sword online for me and it arrived in the mail just yesterday ...

Brett and I enjoying a nice lunch at Beverly Hills Tavern's outdoor Beach Cabana Bar with friends Deb, Dave, and Kyle ...

The weather was hot and humid as it has been lately here, but we did have a nice breeze to go along with it ...

Afterward we stopped off at a little country bar called, "Huey's" where the owner's mother showed us her new black rescue kitten before heading for dinner at The Station at Reinholds Inn ... 

Last week's dinner specials were Chicken Bruschetta with linguine and stuffed shells with ricotta cheese ...

Have a great Tuesday, friends!


  1. Glad to hear Leo is doing well. Your athame is very beautiful. The Ink kitten is too cute. Looks like a fun time with friends and that dinner looks so delicious. Stay cool.

  2. Pleased that Leo is doing well.
    Nice to see your happy smiling faces - the food looks tasty.
    Awww that is a sweet kitten.

    My good wishes.

    All the best Jan

  3. Love you Leo!!!
    The food looks really good! Love the little kitten! Big Hugs!
