Saturday, July 31, 2021

Celebrating Lugh Solitary Style

Although lately I have been celebrating the sabbats with either other solitaries or with my dear friend, Lady Sabrina Rhiannon and her group, "The Coven of the Silver Moon Circle," I still consider myself a solitary witch at heart. Since I first began practicing my Pagan faith so many years ago, I had always chosen to honor our holy days in a more private way in which only the solitary path can provide.

As time went by, I began to meet other Wiccans/Pagans with whom I could share my beliefs and celebrate with from time to time. And, once in a while, I will join Lady Sabrina Rhiannon's coven in their sabbat and esbat rituals. I feel very comfortable with them and they are a wondferful group of gals who have generously accepted me into their group at any time, and for that, I have been indeed blessed! Afterall,  sometimes it is just really nice to be with your peers ~ solitary or not.

Still, I must admit that is has been quite a little while since I have performed a sabbat ritual as an actual "solitary" per se.  Today, I decided to celebrate Lughnasadh in the quiet solitude of my Altar Room. It had been so long, I had almost forgotten how completely exhilarating it is. The feeling of "oneness" with our Goddess and God which one experiences in that type of setting and the feeling of total peace I still get both during and after ritual.

That being said; however, this is not to say that I will choose to forgo any opportunity to gather in a group celebration in the good company of my close friends and Wiccan family whom I love so very dearly. It simply means that I now realize how much I really do enjoy celebrating as a Solitary from time to time and doing so reminds me of why I enjoyed being one in the first place. I suppose you might say that being a Solitary Practitioner is who I am and have truly always been deep down.

Wishing a very Blessed Lughnasadh to all!!

Thursday, July 29, 2021

Fun Friday!

Happy Friday, friends! And here are Bill's song pics of the week! ...

Throwback Thursday: Lughnasadh


Lughnasadh/Lammas Recipes

Garlic Lughnasadh Nut Bread

12 oz. malted brown flour
5 oz. white flour
1 tsp. salt
1 tsp. sugar
1 tbsp. olive oil
1 tbsp. chopped nuts and sunflower seeds
1 packet yeast (7g)
1 1/4 cups warm water
 Sesame or poppy seeds
1 egg, 1/2 tsp. salt, and 2 oz. milk beaten together lightly
1 small chopped clove garlic (or to taste)

Before you begin, bless the flour by holding your palms above it and drawing a pentagram of Earth across it. Then, bless the flour, wheat and bread in the same way. Mix all of the ingredients together with the warm water and place onto a clean surface. Knead the dough for atleast 10 minutes then form into the shape of a man. Brush on a little of the egg and milk.

Keep the shape simple and thinner than you want the finished bread to be as it will grow while baking. Now, cover with cling/plastic wrap and allow it to rise in a warm, draft-free area until it doubles in size.

Prior to cooking, re-apply more of the egg and milk mixture and sprinkle with the sesame or poppy seeds. Bake at 450 degrees F. in a pre-heated oven for approximately 30 minutes, or until golden brown.

Beef Barley Soup

2 quarts water
Beef, chopped
1/2 cup celery tops
1 tbsp. salt
1/2 cup uncooked barley
3 cups coarsely chopped cabbage (optional)
1 cup sliced celery
2 cups sliced parsnips
2 cups thinly sliced onions
1 can 12 oz. tomato paste

Combine water and celery tops. Bring to a boil and cover lightly. Simmer for 2 hours and then stir in barley and chopped meat. Cook for 30 minutes. Add remaining ingredients and simmer for 30 more minutes or until veggies are tender.

This last recipe is one which I used to make many years ago as a teenager. It is very easy to make and it is still definitely one of my favs ... I hope you all enjoy!

Peanut Butter 'n' Jelly Cake

(Total time: Preparation 15 min., Bake 35 min. & cooling. Makes 12 servings)

1/2 cup softened butter
1/4 cup peanut butter (Reduced-fat peanut butter not recommended for this recipe)
1 1/2 cups sugar
2 eggs
1 tsp. vanilla extract
2 cups all-purpose flour
3 tsp. baking powder
1 tsp. salt
1 cup milk

1/4 cup softened butter
1/2 cup plus tbsp. peanut butter
1 3/4 tbsp. vanilla extract
3 cups confectioners' sugar
4 to 6 tbsp. milk
3/4 cup grape jelly

In a large bowl, cream the butter, peanut butter and sugar until light and fluffy. Add the eggs, one at a time, beating well after each addition. Beat in vanilla. Combine the flour, baking powder and salt; gradually add the peanut butter mixture alternately with milk, beating well after each additon. 

Pour into two greased and floured 9-inch round baking pans. Bake at 350 degrees for 35-40 minutes or until a toothpick inserted near the center comes out clean. Cool for 5 minutes before removing from pans to wire racks to cool completely.

For frosting, in a small bowl beat butter and peanut butter until smooth. Add the vanilla, confectioners' sugar and enough milk to achieve speading consistency. 

Place one cake layer on a serving plate; spread with jelly. Top with the remaining cake layer; frost top and sides of cake with frosting. 

Sunday, July 25, 2021

Weekend Happenings

Greetings, friends and welcome to the end of yet another weekend. Yesterday was fairly busy - my husband and I had an appointment at our bank in the morning regarding a pension plan I had with a former employer which needed to be notarized - (yes, I am a notary but of course I can not notarize my own documents). After that, my sister Aurora Skye and I had a chance to spend the day together having lunch and shopping around at or local haunts.

Since The Mint Leaf is located directly down the road from my house, we started there ...

They had quite a few new items to purchase since the last time we were there. Among them, were a whole slew of beach and mermaid things!

A cool mug ("Mermaids have all the fun!"), a large towel, and hand-painted mermaid earrings made of wood ...

As well as these pretty Blue Agate studs ...

We made a quick stop into the Stinkleberry Soap Company for some whipped soap then Aurora noticed this sign in the parking lot ...

We had never gone into The Mystical Boutique before and so decided to check it out!

They were having a "Christmas in July" sale and ALL of their candles were on sale for 25% off!  

They have a fabulous array of awesome items ...

I found this pair of sterling silver moon hoop earrings which go rather nicely with the new blue agate studs ...

They have a HUGE table of assorted crystals and gemstones! I LOVE IT!! I bought a malachite gemstone and something I have never seen nor heard of before - Blue Onyx!

Blue Onyx is a blue colored variety of onyx, found in Brazil, Uruguay, the United States of America, and India. It is connected to the throat chakra, which explains its mighty inner strength energy, and emotional healing properties to deal with stressful situations and overcoming difficult times with expertise. Onyx is a variety of chalcedony. 

Chalcedony is distinguished from agate by its frankly banded structure. Onyx often reminds us of a black colored stone, considering that black onyx is one of the most popular varieties of the Onyx stones.

However, it is good to know that Onyx stone exists in other fascinating colors, depending on the fine inclusions found there, and one of these colors is blue. 

I also picked up these books ...

And a Healing Gem Candle and votive ...

Then we headed out for lunch at Beverly Hills Tavern where we bumped into our friends Kyle and Dave on their way out.

Enjoying a refreshing Orange Crush with our tasty lunch of buffalo chicken dip and chips with cheese fries!

Aurora adorning her gorgeous crystal pendant!

On the way home, we saw a car driving in front of us with THIS on their back window - it was a woman with a Delaware license plate who BTW was weaving in and out of the traffic lanes AND speeding none-the-less. What nerve eh? ...

And last, but not least, my friend Chef Jesenia gifted me this cute little magnet she bought while she was visiting Idaho last week ... 👀😎

Have a good week everyone!!

Tuesday, July 20, 2021


  • Dichotomy: refers to the division of something into two especially in logical classification. It is the dividing or separating into two mutually contradictory or exclusive groups. A synonym of the word is duality or being two fold.

Last Saturday, my husband and I took my mom out for dinner at The Station at Reinholds Inn - mainly because she wanted to eat in the Victorian-style dining room. So as we are sitting at our table (the first photo below), the power went out and I heard Chef Brooklyn run downstairs to the cellar to flip the power switch back on. I could not figure out why the power would go out because from where we were seated looking outside the sun was bright and shining. Then my husband said, "Well, look out the windows at the other side of the room." Lo and behold, it was POURING DOWN RAIN on the other side of the room/building (the second photo shows where the windows are located - NOTE: these are old photos I took last year in October so they are not pics from our dinner last Saturday) ...

From the railroad tracks which are located right outside of the buiding, you could see the rain was coming down on one side of the tracks and not coming down on the other. It was as if Mother Nature drew a line across the road. This type of occurrence has happened a total of three times so far in my life - once while I was driving through Wernersville a few years ago and another last year while driving my mom home from Christmas shopping. The video below gives you an example of what I experienced ...

Monday, July 19, 2021

Monday odds and ends

Greetings, my friends and welcome to another Monday. As per usual, we have had nothing but rain and hot, humid days - nothing new here. From what I am reading from other bloggers, the weather is much the same for them as well. So over it already and August (the hottest month of the year) has not even arrived yet! 😒

Anyhow, last Monday I woke up with laryngitis - could barely speak at all and I am only now just beginning to get some of my voice back. Not sure why it happened, but my guess is that my job - even though they have (barely) air conditioning in the building, working constantly in that dry, hot room my sinuses take a real beating and it is affecting my throat and nasil passages. It is so muggy in there our clothing stick to our skin!

Moving on, this past weekend we helped our friend Kyle celebrate his 29th birthday. We met at The Railroad House for lunch and the Beverly Hills Tavern afterward ...

The view from our table inside the patio of The Railroad House - yup, that is actually a train flying by us outside ...


In addition to Kyle's birthday, we also celebrated our friend Walts. Walt is one of the many cool veteran's whom we met at the Sinking Spring VFW  - Walt will be 73 years old. Unaware of the fact that his birthday is actually this Thursday, I remembered that I had a pic I took of us at last weekend's Karaoke Night. And so I took it out of my purse, wrote 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY, WALT!' on the back of it and gave it to him. He was so happy he said, "I love this, I am gonna frame it!" LOL - my friends bust on me a bit for always carrying around my digital pocket camera, but there are times I am glad that I did. 😀
(the pic)

Have a good week all!!

Friday, July 16, 2021

Sunday, July 11, 2021

Sunday this and that

Blessed Sunday everyone. It was another busy weekend, albeit yet again very hot and humid - it also rained on and off a bit. I have been working on re-vamping and updating my current resume and reference sheet ...

Not too much new and exciting happening here lately. Yesterday, I had lunch and dinner with friends ...

Dave 'n' Deb at Flanagan's Pub ...

And also stopped off at Beverly Hills Tavern ...

and The Station at the Reinholds Inn ...

Later on, my husband and I went to the VFW of Sinking Spring for a nightcap when .unbeknownst to us it was their monthly Karaoke Night. Steve, the bartender, brought me a song book and a song request slip strongly encouraging me to get up and sing after 10 years! Wow, was I ever nervous ... lol

Anyhow, I agreed to sing ONE song so I sang Stevie Nicks' "Landslide." It was so nice to hear such kind and wonderful feedback from a few patrons and fellow singers in attendance. Before the end of the evening, Mary, who runs the karaoke and who is also a very talented singer in her own right, approached me about singing one more song. So I sang a pretty easy one - Nancy Sinatras' "These Boots Are Made For Walking."

Posing with our friend Walt who was all decked-out for the occasion.
As for this evening, I plan on doing some laundry, chilling out with my fur babies, and enjoying a nice glass of white wine which my husband picked up for me on Friday night. It has cool mermaid image on the bottle! 

Have a pleasant Sunday all from Merlin and the gang!!.