Monday, July 19, 2021

Monday odds and ends

Greetings, my friends and welcome to another Monday. As per usual, we have had nothing but rain and hot, humid days - nothing new here. From what I am reading from other bloggers, the weather is much the same for them as well. So over it already and August (the hottest month of the year) has not even arrived yet! 😒

Anyhow, last Monday I woke up with laryngitis - could barely speak at all and I am only now just beginning to get some of my voice back. Not sure why it happened, but my guess is that my job - even though they have (barely) air conditioning in the building, working constantly in that dry, hot room my sinuses take a real beating and it is affecting my throat and nasil passages. It is so muggy in there our clothing stick to our skin!

Moving on, this past weekend we helped our friend Kyle celebrate his 29th birthday. We met at The Railroad House for lunch and the Beverly Hills Tavern afterward ...

The view from our table inside the patio of The Railroad House - yup, that is actually a train flying by us outside ...


In addition to Kyle's birthday, we also celebrated our friend Walts. Walt is one of the many cool veteran's whom we met at the Sinking Spring VFW  - Walt will be 73 years old. Unaware of the fact that his birthday is actually this Thursday, I remembered that I had a pic I took of us at last weekend's Karaoke Night. And so I took it out of my purse, wrote 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY, WALT!' on the back of it and gave it to him. He was so happy he said, "I love this, I am gonna frame it!" LOL - my friends bust on me a bit for always carrying around my digital pocket camera, but there are times I am glad that I did. 😀
(the pic)

Have a good week all!!


  1. I hope you're feeling better. I can definitely identify with sinus trouble, because I've had it my entire life. It seems like almost anything can trigger sinus attacks.

    It has been very humid here in TN with rain every day. I desperately need to do work on my (two acre) property, but being outside is nearly impossible.

  2. My cousin sent me a Ground Hog Day meme. Yup, rain again. We had some wild storms that came through on Sat. night. Lightning struck very close to the house and blew out the Internet. My SIL was saying with all this humidity should be having sinus infections. The humidity is supposed to break a bit later this week. I hope you feel better.
