Sunday, July 04, 2021

Sunday this and that ...

Well, here it finally is - the three-day July 4th weekend and as per usual bad things always have to happen over the holidays. Yesterday, while driving to meet up for lunch with my friends, my car engine light popped up on my dashboard for no discernable reason! So, I got my owners manual out of my glove compartment and showed it to my friend Dave after I arrived for lunch. He believes it is most likely because of my fuel line. So, now I have to try to get my car into the garage and pray it is not something serious!! On top of that yesterday, and right on time just to make sure that they ruin our holiday weekend, our lousy, school taxes came in the mail. I will NOT even get into how I feel about that subject other than to say that it is completely criminal what they extort from us here. It is simply disgusting!!

Moving on, we had nothing but pouring down rain and thunderstorms all day yesterday. However, it was our friend Steph's birthday, so we stopped off at The Station at the Reinholds Inn where she was tending bar and surprised her with balloons ...

Some pics from lunch at Beverly Hills Tavern beach bar ...

As for today, my husband unfortunately is "on call" at his job and must drive to Wilkes-Barre in an hour. If he gets back early enough, we will still be able to spend some time with my mom and MIL a bit later on this afternoon and perhaps try and salvage some of the holiday. I ordered some homemade red velvet with cream cheese frosting cupcakes from Chef Jesenia who dropped them off at my house a few minutes ago ...

Wishing all a safe and Happy 4th of July from our friend "Moose" ...

(Photo courtesy of my friend Renee Nichole)


  1. A holiday or over a weekend, isn't that always the way! I hope it's nothing expensive. We gout our real estate tax bill on Friday 😺Wilkes-Barre! That's the halfway point of our trip when we go to visit the Eldest. We stay at a Choice Hotel right off the highway and next door to Perkins. Love the pies! Those cupcakes look amazing. Enjoy and I hope your holiday is salvaged. Nothing going on here. Still cold and gloomy.

  2. Sorry about all the "stuff" that happened Kim! Those cupcakes look so good and I love the pictures with your friends and hubby! I hope you had a good 4th of July! Big Hugs!
