Monday, August 16, 2021

Monday this and that

Well, it's Monday ALREADY, and the weekend flew by even faster than usual because they forced us to work mandatory overtime on Saturday. I am praying it does not last long for the remainder of the year. The atmosphere there is toxic, the pay is pathetic, and they are losing a lot of good employees (associates as they like to refer to us as) for lots of reasons! It is a revolving door there and not good at all. I, myself, am still looking for another job, but thus far to no avail.

Moving on, I worked 12:30pm to 6:30pm on Saturday - although they tried to push everyone on my shift to come in at 6:30am after working until 10:30pm on Friday night (our 2nd shift). Four of us said NO! and refused to come in that early. - like we DON'T need sleep! Most of my co-workers came in at 6:30am because THEY wished to. That is their choice, but do not force ALL of us do so. Anyhow, after work, my husband and I stopped off at The Sinking Spring VFW for a quick dinner then headed home.

Yesteday, I spent a few hours out and about with some friends ...

Deb and her niece, Victoria.

With Deb and Mandi.

Have a good day all!.


  1. It's too bad you are forced to work overtime, but I'm glad you had time to have fun, too. All work and no play makes my Lady a dull girl.

  2. Good luck in your job search.

    All the best Jan

  3. Wishing you so much luck on your job search! Big Hugs!
