Sunday, August 08, 2021

This and That ...

Greetings everyone! Just a couple of "happenings." Yesterday, we attended my husband's annual family reunion and then afterwards treated my mom to her birthday dinner at The Van Reed Inn. As I mentioned in my Friday post, she turned 82 years old this past Wednesday ...

This week, we were warned that we there is going to be yet another audit at work and so as per usual, the Line Lead comes around to each one of us and gives us a "test" question or two and if we get the answer correct we receive a WOW Chip. I received my third one. What exactly does that mean? Well, not really much of anything other than it is pretty much just a tangible 'thank you' is all ... 

And a bit of really sad news, Aurora Skye's precious fur baby, Pumpkin passed away this past week  (and was my 'god-kitty') I will miss this sweet, adorable little angel very much ... 😿

And, on the very same day as my mom's birthday (August 4th), Aurora had posted the following on her FB page ...

"I came home from work today and saw these pretty flowers that a thoughtful person placed on Pumpkin's final resting place. Thank you 💓"


  1. Thank you so much for posting about Pumpkin ♥️. She is greatly missed.

    1. I know how much you loved her and I am so sorry for your loss, seester. Love and BIG HUGS!!

  2. Happy belated birthday to your Mother. It's so nice that you were able to take her to dinner.

    It truly breaks my heart when a precious fur baby dies. Pumpkin was beautiful - - I love the photos.

  3. Your mom looks wonderful and doesn't look 82. Congratulations on your WOW chip. Good luck with the audit 🍀 So sorry that Pumpkin crossed the Rainbow Bridge.
