Sunday, September 12, 2021

A beautiful Autumn Day!

Greetings, friends! Well, the weather was absolutely GORGEOUS this entire weekend - it stayed in the high 70's/low 80's ... PERFECT Autumn day! I took advantage of it and enjoyed a nice lunch out with a couple of my usual friends on Saturday ...

We stopped off afterward to visit one of the local pubs called, "Huey's" and I could not wait to see how much the owner's little black kitten grew. She named her "Sadie" and she - is - BEAUTIFUL! ...

Sadie as she looked about two months ago when I first saw her ...

Just look how big she is now! ... 😸😻😸

Have a blessed week!!


  1. Looks like Sadie is being well cared for.

  2. Autumn doesn't start until 22. Sept. Still 9 days of Summer left so you had a beautiful Summer day. πŸ˜‰ Oh, my! Sadie has grown so big in just 2 months and she's so beautiful!

    1. Yes, I know but it certainly felt like a nice autumn day - especially with the nasty humid heat we have had here for the past two months!

      And I agree, Sadie is so beautiful!

      Have a great week, CJ!

  3. I like to see lazy cats basking in a sunny window.
    It's amazing how big Sadie grew in just a few months. She's really beautiful (her eyes are exactly the same color as my cat Bosco).
