Wednesday, September 29, 2021

A Moose update

A huge appreciative "THANK YOU" to both CJ and Jon for their caring, kind words of support for my friend Renee's boy, Moose! She was able to bring him home yesterday; however, she noticed a couple of things that she was told by this particular animal hospital which did not make any sense regarding his insulin dosage. And so she immediately called her regular vet, (since Moose's issue had happened over this past weekend and was not open at that time) she had little choice but to take him somewhere and had to rush him to a local emergency vet.

The white patch-looking object you see on Moose's back is actually a sensor which Renee can scan in order to read his glucose level. It lasts for two weeks.  :)

 Renee and her husband-to-be are leaving on October 3rd to get married. She loves Moose so much and is, as she told me last night, "so distraught without him", I pray everything works out for all! 🙏

They also received this very thoughtful gift in the mail yesterday from a good friend ...

Just an aside: I met Renee and her soon-to-be husband, Jon, two years ago at Brett's cousin's daughter's wedding. Renee is the daughter's best friend and was her Maid of Honor. She is such a lovely gal and we immediately struck up a conversation. When she began telling me all about her kitty "Moose", well, the rest is history ... lol!


  1. Moose is so cute - I'm so glad he's doing better, seester ♥️🐱

    1. Yes, me too. He reminds me so very much of our Leo. Thanks, seester!

  2. I'm glad to know Moose is better and safely back home. His "humans" are a lovely couple.

    1. Yes, they really are wonderful people and such great cat parents!
