Wednesday, September 08, 2021

Countdown to Mabon: A poem and a recipe


In the field she blooms,
But once a year
This luscious sunflower ~
So sweet and so dear

The love she shows,
With kindness she cares
Our Mother's fruit ~
The seeds she bears

Both yellow and bright,
This sunflower grows
Then leaves us again ~
When winter's wind blows

~ Lady Caer Morganna


  1. Lovely poem. Sunflowers are so pretty and that cider recipe sounds so good.

  2. I enjoyed your poem :)

    All the best Jan

  3. Thanks for a beautiful tribute to sunflowers. When I lived in Texas sunflowers were abundant and very easy to grow. Here in TN I tried to grow them with absolutely no success. Possibly because there's not much sunshine?
    The Mabon Cider is perfect for autumn.
