Thursday, September 30, 2021

Fun Friday and This 'n' That

Friday at last!! Not too much new here at the old homestead. I found a new place for a sign I bought a couple of years ago. I decided to hang it up on the catio door where Merlin usually hangs out during the day ...

... with the execption of once a week (normally on a Wednesday or Thursday) since we have to check Leo's urinary tract problem (F.U.S.). I prepare a fresh new cat litter box using the clumpy cat litter (I hate that crappy stuff, but it is a must as it is the only way to actually see if he is urinating as he needs to be). I use the litterbox in the catio and change it while I am feeding him in the morning. I flip the sign over in order to let Brett know that Leo has still not used the box yet (did his business) and he can not leave the catio until he does ... 😾

After I got home last Saturday, I tried on the new dress/jumper suit I had just bought and it really hit home how I have gained a terrible amount of weight since I began working second shift two years ago! My own mother commented about it as well as she also noticed my weight gain and is concerned about it. Seriously, it is a real health problem for me and I NEED to figure out how to lose it so that I can feel good and healthy again! ... 😞😢

In other news, my co-worker and friend Rosa surprised me on Wednesday with this very thoughtful gift she personally put together herself for me. It is to aid in destressing and to help relax. It smells AWESOME! ...

It is made with a mixture of lavender and sea salt with amethyst, rose quartz, adventurine, and carnelian gemstones (all of which she charged with the energy of the Strawberry Full Moon) and a pretty votive candle and holder ... 💓💙💛💚💜

And, I am considering putting up my Samhain/Halloween Tree this Sunday (still not sure yet). After all, we are officially in the month of October now. At any rate, here is a pic of the one my sister Aurora Skye and I put up and decorated last year - Sir Leo supervised ... lol

And last, but not least, here is Bill's song pic of the week! Have a great weekend everyone!!


  1. Today is World Smile Day. Thanks for making me smile with your pyscho kitty sign.

  2. The "potty check" sign is funny - - I hope Leo is okay. Your weight looks just fine to me, but I can understand your concern for health reasons.
    October is here!!! It's definitely time to put up the Halloween tree.

    "If You Could Read My Mind" was always one of my favorite Lightfoot songs. It brings back memories..

  3. It was a lot of fun decorating the tree! 🙂

    1. Yes it was! And it looked GREAT, too! Thanks seester!!
