Sunday, September 05, 2021

Holiday weekend happenings

Greetings all! I hope everyone is having a wonderful Labor Day weekend. I picked up a couple of items at our local grocery store on my way to work on Friday. As this was the first weekend I did not have to work, my sister Aurora Skye and I decided to hang out together on Saturday ...

We met up with our friends Deb and Dave at Beverly Hills for lunch ...

We had the delicious Buffalo Crab Dip with chips! ...

In other news, my co-worker and very lovely soul, Rosa (if you remember, she is the one who made me a beautiful beaded bracelet a couple of weeks ago) gave me this gorgeous salt lamp which changes color! ...

MANY THANKS, ROSA!! Today, I FINALLY began bringing my fall/autumn decorations down from the attic in order to adorn my house. It always gives me a really good feeling this time of the year.


And, my husband surprised me last week with this karaoke machine he ordered online ... 👄

Aurora Skye and I had a lot of fun playing around with it after we got back from an afternoon of shopping ... 💜💚💛💙

I also made us frozen Mango Margaritas in the blender ... Remind anyone of anything? LOL! ...


  1. Sounds like a really fun weekend. Oh, that crab dip looks amazing! Happy Labor Day!

  2. I'm sure you'll have lots of fun with the karaoke machine! And the salt lamp is beautiful - I really like those soothing colors. Have a great Labor Day!
