Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Our 20th Year Anniversary!

Today marks the 20th year Anniversary of our wedding ceremony. I met my husband back in the summer of 1994. Although we lived together for 7 years before, we didn't actually "tie the knot" until September of 2001 in a legal Handfasting ceremony with a Renaissance theme which also happened to fall on Mabon/The Autumn Equinox.

We had a beautiful ritual and reception set in the back yard of our home complete with homemade decorations, three bridesmaidens, three groomsmen, ritual programs, U.L.C. Minister, friends, family, and one gorgeous Saturday!

Our Officiant was my very dear friend and fellow U.L.C. Minister Rev. Frances Moise/H.P.S. Lady Sabrina Rhiannon. Our ceremony had all of the usual elements of a Pagan Handfasting - first drink as husband and wife, first food (my mother-in-law baked the loaf of bread which we used),  symbolic The Great Rite (ritual charging of the ceremonial wine), the pledge - along with the traditional parts such as our own vows, the exchange of rings and lighting of the Unity candle. My husband made lovely Handfasting programs as all of our family members were Christian (many of whom did not understand exactly what they were witnessing). Not only that, he also handmade our wedding arch which he decorated himself. We wanted everything to have our own personal touch.

Then ...

A 10-year anniversary pic ...
And now ...

I can't believe that it has been 20 years. Wow! Time sure does fly!

We are going to go away somewhere (not sure exactly where) this coming weekend. I did; however, receive these beautiful autumn flowers tonight after I got home from work ... 💓💗💓

Our basket of scrolls with a Handfasting Blessing and our program.


  1. Happy Anniversary- so glad I was a part of your celebration!

  2. Happy Anniversary! 💐🥂 Lovely description of your ceremony and you made such a beautiful bride and groom.

  3. Congratulations on twenty years of matrimony! It's especially significant that the occasion is on the first day of the Autumn Equinox. The photos are lovely and I really like the Renaissance theme. I hope you have a great weekend.
