Friday, October 08, 2021

Food for Thought Friday

Please, don’t look back 5 years from now & have to admit that you spent an entire year of your life wearing a mask, cooped up in your house & avoiding all the people you love. A year in your life that you’ll never get back.

And let me say this, I am not saying this virus isn’t real, or that there aren’t people that could really be affected. If you’re at risk, take precautions, absolutely. Every single day is a risk. Car accident, flu... our days were numbered before this. That has not changed.

BUT, we should not be forced to live in fear. We went from being a free nation to being told we couldn’t go to school, couldn’t go to church, couldn’t go to our grandmamas house, couldn’t pay respects to a loved one through a funeral.... and when we were allowed to do these things, we were told how long we could be there, how far apart we have to be, what to wear...

Yes, our health matters. But you know what else matters? Family. Friends. Church. School dances. Football games. County fairs. Family vacations. Neighborhood BBQs. Life.

One day, you’ll hug your grandma, mom, dad, brother for the last time. One day, your best friend will cry on your shoulder for the last time. One day, your son will play his last football game. One day, your daughter will wear her last prom dress. One day, they’ll have their last day of school. One day, you’ll spend your last day laughing with your Mama. One day, you’ll dance your last dance.
Don’t waste the days you have by living in fear.

Your time here on earth matters & God didn’t put us here to be afraid of everything He’s blessed us with. Live your life while you have the chance. God is gonna call you home when it’s your time. Virus or no virus.

Bill's song pic of the week ...


  1. A great post! I agree with you completely. The pandemic is real - people have died from it - but the recovery rate is extremely high and the risks have been drastically overblown by the media.

    The main purpose of exaggerating the Phantom Plague (as I call it) is solely for power and control. The objective is to keep everyone perpetually terrified for the rest of our lives.
    I saw this from the very beginning and NO ONE believed me.

    It's obviously very easy to brainwash an entire nation. Very few people (like you and I) dare to think for themselves.

    1. Exactly correct! It is very easy indeed - does Hitler and the Holocaust sound familiar to anyone????
