Sunday, October 10, 2021

Good times, Special friends!

Blessed Sunday, all! I hope you had a pleasant weekend. I had a memorable one. While my husband and I were having dinner and drinks at the Sinking Spring VFW Saturday night, I saw a former classmate and we chatted and caught up on things since we graduated back in 1983. We are Facebook friends, but this was the first time I had actually seen her since our High School days ...

What made my weekend even more special was I had a long overdue chance to get together with my co-worker and former trainer at my job, Jesenia. She is currently working a third shift job in another department and I am atill on second shift so it is very difficult to find the time for us to hang out. Today, we were finally able to enjoy a day together at her new house ...

Of course "Chef" Jesenia treated me to my favorite meal - rosemary chicken, potatoes, and green beans ... 💜

And for dessert, she made a delicious pumpkin spice bread with raisins ... 

One of her two sons, (whom I call my adopted son) Louis also joined us - he is most definitely Jesenia's "mini me" and loves to cook, He, just like his mom, is happiest when working and creating meals in the kitchen! I just adore this kid! ...

Have a wonderful week everyone!


  1. Rosemary chicken...and pumpkin spice bread - it sounds great. I like to make pumpkin bread, but never thought of putting raisins in it. I'll have to try it.

  2. Rosemary chicken...and pumpkin spice bread - it sounds great. I like to make pumpkin bread, but never thought of putting raisins in it. I'll have to try it.

  3. My comment appeared twice?? Is it a Blogger glitch, or did I do something wrong? Anyway, sorry about that!

    1. No, it was Blogger I think. No worries, Jon! LOL!!
