Friday, October 15, 2021

Together Again!

Blessed Friday, my friends! Well, I spoke to my friend (and Moose's mommy) Renee yesterday morning before I left for work and she told me that after their wedding in California she and her hubby, Jon, were excited to be reunited again with their fur baby Moose only to find out from her cat sitter that Moose was not eating and she had to take him to the vet. It turned out that apparently he was only constipated, but it was so bad that the vet had to surgically remove what was stuck in him and it was also stuck in his pelvis! ...  

Moose loving his new toys that mommy brought back for him from Yosemite National Park. He looks wet because she had to give him a bath after he had a tinkle accident in his crate on the way home from the vet. 

She also shared with me her unforgettable experience with all the folks who helped to make she and Jon's wedding so very special. She said that when they arrived there, the smoke on the mountain was everywhere, but as fate (and God) would have it, the ONLY day that the smoke lifted and dissipated was the very day of their wedding. The next day the smoke filled the mountains once again. And, not only that, but their Officiant's car had broken down as she was leaving to perform the wedding ceremony, fortunately her neighbor was kind enough to bring her. Sometimes, just sometimes, we need to have faith that things will work out. I am happy for them that they (things) did work out and as Renee said after finally being back home with her kitty, "All is well in our world." 

1 comment:

  1. Best wishes to the bride and groom. Aww, isn't Moose cute cuddling his toys. I hope he's feeling better.
