Saturday, November 20, 2021

Weekend odds 'n' ends

Greetings everyone! Well, it looks like it is going to be a "Game of Thrones" kinda weekend as I am throwing my DVD's in the DVD player. They had mandatory overtime today but since I have not been fully relased yet by our staff nurse I, thankfully, got out of it! And so, I am taking advantage of the Saturday off and rudding up both bedrooms (they are a REAL MESS) and cleaning them. Tomorrow, I plan to take a box of clothing to our local Goodwill Store as well. I am scheduled to see the nurse this Tuesday again regarding my muscle sprain. I am healing nicely and I suspect that I will get fully released this week. 

Between the up-coming holidays, my mom's doctor appointments and other necessary things, it is going to be a very busy next two months! Therefore, I will try to post here as much as time will allow. Sooo much to do, sooo little time these days.

Moving on, my sister Aurora Skye and her hubby recently adopted this orange male beauty - introducing "Hammy" ... 😊🐈

And finally, a BIG shout out to my dear friend, Lady Sabrina Rhiannon and her hubby who celebrated their 18th wedding anniversary this past week! I have known her for many years and was honored to be chosen to be the officiant for their special day! Here are some pics from their ceremony ... 💕



  1. Hard to believe the holiday season is on us. Glad to hear you're feeling better. Hammy is so cute! Happy Anniversary to to your friends. 💐🥂

  2. This is definitely a hectic time of year - and the chaos is compounded with our personal problems. I'm glad you're able to get some rest this weekend. Hopefully you'll feel better soon.
    Hammy is a beautiful fur baby!

  3. This is a busy time of year isn't it.
    Hammy certainly looks cute.
    Look after yourself, my good wishes.

    All the best Jan
