Sunday, December 19, 2021

A very special Yule

Greetings all! It has been a busy weekend before a holiday - both Yule and Christmas. Yesterday, my sister Aurora Skye and I spent the day out and she took me to a place in Robesonia, PA called, "Murdough's Christmas Barn." They have hundreds of decorations including some Halloween as well ...

Their decorated Christmas tree displays are absolutely beautiful - and there are MANY ...

Santa infinity mirror ...

Afterwards, we dropped by her house so that I could finally meet her newest family member, Hammy ... what a little lovebug.

Aurora's gorgeous Christmas tree ...

Later on in the early evening, we held our annual Yule ritual celebration ...

Along with our exhange of gifts. Without knowing it, we both ended up picknig out the exact same card for one another ... too funny! lol

A gift for Hammy - a plush blanket and a cat Christmas stocking ...

We also enjoyed some snacks Aurora brought along for after ritual ...


  1. I wish I lived closer! I'd love to poke around the Christmas barn. Hammy is too cute. Enjoy your Yuletide celebrations.
