Thursday, December 16, 2021

Memories of Yule Past ...

One of the things I love most about our sabbat celebrations are the memories we create for ourselves when gathering together for ritual, food and fun! Needless to say, I have cherished each and every one of my many memories of friends and family throughout the years. The Goddess and God bring special people into our lives for a good reason and, in that respect, I have been truly blessed.

Rhiannon's new ritual robe.

The Oak King & The Holly King dual.

"The Gang"

Richie and mom Judy.

With High Priestess Lady Sabrina Rhiannon at her Yule celebration ...

Mike 'n' Waterfae attending Lady Sabrina Rhiannon's Yule Celebration.

   Just chillin'

Yule gifts!
With Willow and her kitties Domino and Patchouli on Yule Eve circa 1997.

After Yule is over, we can happily look forward to Imbolg and the promise of spring. I must admit, next to Samhain and Beltane, Imbolg is perhaps my favorite of all the Wiccan holidays. I really love the way the light from our candle flames illuminate my home during ritual as we all stand inside the sacred circle - holding our single white candle in our hands in honor of the Goddess Brigit. It is truly a lovely sight to behold!


  1. May you have many more happy memories to fill the year.

  2. Thanks for sharing your Yule memories and I hope you have many more. My favorite photo is the last one - - so sweet!
