Sunday, January 02, 2022

Another New Year's gone by ...

Well, here it is, 2022. The end of one year and the beginning of another. We had a very quiet New Year's weekend. Friday night I picked my mom up and she stayed with us overnight. I made us all dinner ...

Steak with mac 'n' cheese  and grilled chicken with mashed potatoes.

On New Year's Day we joined our good friends at the Sinking Spring VFW where we chilled out and had eaten dinner. My mom had a traditional homemade Pork and Sauerkraut meal and I had homemade Chicken and Dumplings. The decorations were so lovely. I took some pics ...


Of course, our New Year's Day weather was miserable as it rained ALL day and night and we had quite a bit of fog here in our area. As for tomorrow, well I have some running around I must do and I am also planning on getting together with my friend Kiki (my Goddaughter Kyli's grandmom) for lunch. Then, on Tuesday, sadly it is back to the grind. It will be a VERY busy next two months for me starting with Tuesday morning I must go to a doctor appointment early in the morning before I go to work (sigh). Oh well, such is life, folks! 

I hope everyone had a wonderful New Year's! ...

(Just a couple of pics I took of Chester on New Year's Day) ... 

Just a  bit of humble advice for the New Year ... 💗



  1. It's so nice that you had a quiet, pleasant holiday weekend with your Mom and friends. I (of course) spent New Year's Eve with my kitties. Even when I was young and wild, I never cared for big New Year celebrations.

    The weather here in TN has been bizarre. Yesterday (Saturday) it was 70 degrees and tonight (Sunday) we're supposed to get snow!!!
    Take care, and all my best wishes for a great New Year!

    Chester looks healthy and content. I hope he'll eventually get more friendly.

  2. Nice pic of you and your mom. All the best

  3. The tree looks very pretty.
    I like the photograph of you and your Mom.

    Happy New Year Wishes.

    All the best Jan
