Monday, January 17, 2022



Welcome to Monday, all - a Monday after a nasty snow and ice strorm none-the-less. I hope those of you out there who were affected by it as well got through it safely. Even though I did not have to work yesterday (or today) my husband did! He was "on call" for his job and of all the miserable freaking days to have to deal with the horrbile roads, he had to drive all the way to Warminster, PA in it! To begin with, Accu-weather really screwed up the so-called weather report and the snow started TWO hours earlier than it was supposed to. Needless to say, I was pacing the floors until I finally heard from him. He has his personal cell phone on hand all the time so I would try calling him periodically. When he doesn't answer after an hour or so of trying - I panic! Finally, he called me around 11PM and told me the roads were really bad, but he was on his way home.

Along with doing three loads of laundry, I also tried to pass the time with the Dollar Store Colorforms board games I bought last weekend while out and about with my mom ... 

"Candy Land" ...

And "Trouble" ...

The calm after the storm ... a slushy mess after a few hours of nothing but rain ...

As for today, I will take care of some indoor chores and clean up a bit. We just bought another heating pad for Chester the outside cat and he has been residing in the garage where he knows he will be safe and well fed - smart kitty!  

And finally, in honor of Dr, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day ...

Merlin says, "Stay safe and warm everyone!" ...


  1. I hate winter, too! It's the most miserable and depressing time of year. I also dislike summer. If I had my way, it would be autumn and spring all year long.
    I'm so glad your husband got home safe. It's a shame that he had to drive in such rotten and dangerous weather.
    Take care, stay warm and cozy.

    1. COMPLETELY AGREE! I want to live where there is ONLY Spring and Fall! That is heaven to me!

  2. For those who get bogged down with crappy weather at this time of year, I have created a holiday, SLOGG, which we have begun to celebrate in my community on the 3rd Saturday of January.

    In case you're interested...
