Friday, February 04, 2022

Cat Blog: Take THREE!

Greetings everyone! Yesterday I took a day off from work due to the impending nasty freezing rain we have had here. However, I am stuck working today from 12 to 6. 😒

Anyhow, I took the opportunity to attempt to create another cat blog from the old one that was ruined due to a hacker two years ago! Well, since I am so technologically impaired, I screwed up on the first try (talk about FRUSTRATION after hours of trying to figure it all out!) - I almost totally gave up for good!!  

So .... I got myself together and had to start completely from scratch again! But, I think that I have it at least started now - although I still have much to do with it yet. The name has been changed from "The Cat Cottage" ...

to "For the Love of Cats." Here is the blog link if anybody is interested in checking it out ...

P.S. - And, yes, I am aware that this blog post is dated for Friday, BUT it is actually 12:40AM  - gotta love Blogger, eh?)