Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Tuesday This and That


Happy Tuesday everyone! It is going to be yet another busy week including the weekend as well. Yesterday, I came home from work around 11pm and found these lovely gifts waiting for me on the sofa ...

A little heart-shaped box of chocolates and a HUGE red velvet bag with these items inside of it ...

A "Pajamagram" (a VERY soft, comfy pajama set!) and sleep mask ...  Surprise!

And, a specially sent Valentine's Day card from hubby I found in my e-mail ...

Moving on, this Thursday I have to take my mom to another doctor appointment before work with her orthopedic surgeon regarding her knee and the possibility of her getting a knee replacement.

On Saturday, I plan on having lunch with my friend Deb and then attending a "Get the Led Out" show in the evening. Then, on Sunday, I will be spending the day hanging out with my sister Aurora Skye. This will be a very much needed weekend for me - I am actually getting a reprieve from "prison" (in other words, I will be taking a "1 in 4" day from work). 

Have a great week!


  1. Aw, thoughtful gifts from your hubby. Sounds like a fun weekend, too. Glad you can get some time off from work.

  2. I haven't forgotten you! I've been reading your blog posts but didn't comment. It's been a very hectic week....everything has been going wrong.

    Your Valentine gifts are so sweet. I'm glad that you're getting a few days off from "prison"!

    1. So good to hear from you, Jon. I have been very worried about you lately.

      Thank you for letting me know. Thinking of you ...
