Wednesday, March 30, 2022

What's up ...

Greetings all, what's up? Well, things have been pretty busy this past week. I had a job interview last Thursday (although I desperately want this job, I am NOT holding my breath!). My Notary Public commission renewal is running out this September and the process is sooo time-consuming here in PA that IF I decided to keep it I had to begin the paperwork and such SIX MONTHS before it expires. I was on the fence about whether or not I wanted to go through with it since the chances of my actually getting hired back into an office job anymore are slim to none apparently, but against my better judgement, I spent the $399.50 to renew it for another four years. I lost my job at Travelers Insurance the year I had my last Notary renewal and decided to renew it - thinking/hoping that I would get back into a clerical job, but it never happened. So, this is THE LAST time for me - I refuse to spend the time and money if I have no good reason to. 

At any rate, I took a day off from work today to take care of a couple of things I had to. Dealing with my mom's FMLA paperwork (long, aggravating story so I will not bore you all with it) for one and taking Pennsylvania's required THREE HOUR online Notary Public course and test for another. Yes, I passed and they e-mailed me my Certificate of Completion ...


  1. Congratulations on your Notary Public. Fingers crossed you get the job. Enjoy your day

  2. I think it was wise to renew your Notary Public commission - it might come in handy. I certainly hope you get the job.
