Sunday, April 10, 2022

Weekend happenings

Yesterday was very busy. I took a 1 in 4 day from work which I earned and we had to travel to Easton, PA to go check out a car for my husband's job. He travels A LOT and is on the road all day long so his company told him that if he gets a new car, they will reimburse him a percentage of what his car loan would be on a monthly basis. He needs an SUV because he must keep machine parts on hand while working on the road. This is the car he picked out and plans to pick up sometime this week ...

It's a 2022 Mazda CX5.

I saw an absolutely adorable Mazda sports car there as well that I just had to take a picture of ... 😍

Another reason I took my only 1 in 4 day was because we had tickets to go see "Brit Floyd" - a very popular Pink Floyd cover band from Great Britain. The concert was held at The Wind Creek Event Center in Easton. The venue is part of a mall full of outlets and has a casino as well ...

After we left the dealership, we had dinner at one of the restaurants at the mall called, "Steelworkers Canteen". A very nice woman offered to take a pic of my husband and I while waiting in line to be seated ...

My husband took these pics during the concert with his cell phone ...

My husband bought tickets TWO YEARS AGO, but the show was cancelled because of the covid bs and had been re-scheduled. The group began the show with the song, "Learning to Fly" and continued to sing and play for another two and a half hours. They sang an entire repertoire of Pink Floyd hits from their early psychedelic days to their later hits. They included a couple of songs from the album, "Dark Side of the Moon" i.e. the songs "Money" and "Time" - other songs they performed were "Wish You Were Here", "Comfortably Numb", and "Another Brick in the Wall". The only song which they did not perform was one of my fav's called, "Brain Damage/Eclipse". So, I decided to share a live video of Brit Floyd playing it in this post. I hope you enjoy!

All in all, well worth the wait!!


  1. Looks like a great day off. Love the blue color of the new car. Me and TARDIS blue. Nice pic of the two of you together and awesome photos taken with a cellphone.

    1. Thanks, CJ! The color of the car was not only blue but a metallic blue! Very pretty!

  2. Wow, the concert photos are great (two years is a long time to wait) - - and the new car is beautiful. My car is so OLD that I think Henry Ford was still alive when it was manufactured....(*smile*).

    1. My dad was a mechanic so my entire life I only drove old used cars no newer than the 90's. My current car is only a 2009. lol
