Thursday, May 05, 2022

Fun Friday!

 Happy Friday, everyone! Well, it's Mother's Day weekend - even though I HAVE to work. Yes, folks, I am STILL looking and praying hard for another, BETTER job in which I will be happy with. Until then, I am still continuing to try. Last night after I got home from work, I had a rather pleasant surprise - my hubby gave me a bouquet of flowers! ...

And, I accidently came across this link I never knew about ~ lol! ...

Moving on, I had an idea for yet another blog (yeah, I know, I must be crazy). I began working on it last night after work. It is titled, "In the Shadows" and it contains the rituals, spells, and incantations taken from my own personal Book of Shadows. I have much to do with it yet, but I will tell you all more about it when I feel that it is ready. :) 

Have a wonderful weekend all!


  1. What a sweet and thoughtful surprise. Hopefully, a job will open up. Will send good vibes. Congrats on the best Wicca blog listing.
