Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Enough said ....


It is as I have always said for many years now - the lesser of TWO evils. The government - neither Federal nor State should have the RIGHT to make decisions regarding a women's body or anyone else's for that matter - PERIOD! If your problem is your personal religious belief, then remember that the subject is BETWEEN GOD AND THE INDIVIDUAL. And just for the record, I do not believe that abortion should be used as a form of contraception (yes, I have heard that argument before as well). My own father loved me to the moon and back, but even he was very much pro-choice! AND, who is truly benefiting from FORCING a woman to have a child under any circumstance? The child? Hardly. There are enough abused children out there in this world. Taking women's rights away is not only wrong, but it just opened up a very dangerous door which will more than likely lead to more of our rights being stripped away from us - all of us! We just stepped back into the DARK AGES folks.

Okay, I have said my peace. My blog, my opinion so PLEASE NO DEBATES! Thank you!