Thursday, June 23, 2022

TBT: Midsummer Celebration

Memories of a Midsummer Past ...

With the beautiful sabbat of Beltane behind us, we can now look forward to the up-coming Midsummer or Litha to some. As well as essentially being the Summer Solstice and the longest day of the year, this Wiccan holiday also represents the elaborate celebration of the creatures of the woodlands. Faeries, gnomes, and even our beloved furr babies are especially invited to join us in our circles and celebrations at this time of the year!

Pet blessings and protection spells are often performed during this sabbat ritual because it is the perfect time for them! I always make sure to hang my homemade God’s Eyes on every door and most particularly in the cat and rabbit's room ...

Here are a few pics from one of our Midsummer celebrations back a few years ago when my sister Willow and her hubby lived near by and we decided to get together at her home. Joining us inside the circle for some play time were her kitties Patchouli, Mystic, and Domino along with one of my cats at the time named Sabrina, and Willow's two dogs Amber and Cocoa ...

Mystic 'n' Patchouli
Willow's rescue cat, Domino, and Sean cuddling his fur baby Mystic.

Patchouli and my Maine Coon, Sabrina

Even though I usually hold my rituals downstairs in my Altar Room, this year I plan to bring my Midsummer celebration upstairs into the living room so that my "kids" can also be with me to enjoy themselves both during and after the ceremony!


  1. Midsummer is a magical and inspiring time of year - and I always feel that it evokes thoughts of the not-too-distant threshold of autumn. Enjoy your celebrations!
    Patchouli and Sabrina are absolutely beautiful.

  2. Awwww. The fur babies are so beautiful
