Sunday, June 26, 2022

The Mermaid Chronicles: Dive into the Realm of Merfolk!

Who and what are the Merfolk? Merfolk are legendary water-dwelling human-like beings. They are attested in folklore and mythology throughout the ages in various parts of the world. Female merfolk may be referred to as mermaids, although in a strict sense mermaids are confined to beings who are half-woman and half-fish in appearance. Male merfolk are called mermen.

So, why do Merfolk appeal to us? This, of course, is the real question, isn't it? WHY are we so intrigued by Mermaids and Mermen? Merfolk appear in the mythology of every land and throughout history. Yet, people doubt their existence. "Mers" have a water-sensate appeal which may well go back to the emergence of the mammal from the sea. If we indeed came from the sea, the merfolk may be a sort of missing link between sea and land creatures. Even though we consider merfolk as myths, the half mammal-half fish form does appear in nature, as in seals which combine both sea and land characteristics. Furthermore, human blood is nearly half salt water and the human body is mainly fluid in content. Perhaps it is fair to say that we are, in fact, the first cousins of the legendary mers.

(Reference: Mermaid.Net)


  1. Thanks for posting this. Fascinating topic.
    Paranormal John
