Friday, July 01, 2022

What's new?

Greetings, friends! Here we are - the Fourth of July weekend! I don't know about you, but I have no specials plans other than getting a four-day reprieve from my hectic job. 

So, what am I planning on doing on my days off? Well, this morning I took my kitty Lady Tabitha to the vet because she had a disturbing bone-like object protruding from her tail - turned out to be a big, bloody scab from some sort of injury - pinch or other somehow? Anyhow, she is on antibiotics and doing okay. We are keeping her separated from the rest of the cats for a couple of days so that she has chance to heal.

My sister was a life-saver and agreed to accompany me to my vets with Tabby (you know, help calm her down and all) - THANK YOU, AURORA SKYE! After Lady Tabitha's appointment, she and I had lunch then stopped off at Stinkleberry Soap Company at The Mint Leaf on our way home. We both picked up some new and wonderful items. I stocked up on some more whipped soap and bought a couple of other goodies ...

Some new bath bombs - a Fried Egg and two cinnamon bun scented ones! Breakfast while you bathe?

Tomorrow, I finally get my hair cut! Then, do some needed running around with my mom. As far as the rest of the weekend, who knows?


Also this week, a very thoughtful co-worker surprised me with this lovely little friendship bracelet! ... THANK YOU, BEA!! 😍

And finally, I wish everyone a VERY SAFE AND RELAXING HOLIDAY!!


  1. Glad to hear Miss Tabitha is ok. Nothing special planned here. Enjoy your mini-vacation from work.

  2. Lady Tabitha is beautiful - a sweet photo. I'm glad you have four days off to relax and rejuvenate. I have absolutely no plans for the holiday. Yesterday we had torrential rain, but today is sunny and hot. Take care.
