Tuesday, August 30, 2022

A trip to the Courthouse ...

On Monday, hubby took a PTO day for a doctor appointment he had scheduled for the afternoon so I asked him to take me into the Berks County Courthouse before I had to go to work in order to get sworn in as a notary for the next four years ...

The Berks County Courthouse Building located in The City of (downtown) Reading is divided into two sections - the old building and the new addition which is connected by a corridor. There are two offices in which I must go to - The Recorder of Deeds to get sworn in by an employee of the Courthouse who also presents me with my current Notarial License (located in the new part of the building), and the Prothonotary Office to register my official signature which is located in the old part of the building.

I have decided that this will be the last time that I renew my Notarial Commission/License. I have been a Pennsylvania Notary Public for 32 years now - I guess after the next four-year term you could say that I am "retiring" so to speak.

On the way home, we had breakfast at "The American Diner" in West Reading.


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