Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Throwback Thursday: Countdown to Mabon

Around the Corner: Countdown to Mabon!

Getting so excited! My favorite season of fall is just around the corner. My hubby and I wed in a legal Handfasting on Mabon/Autumn Equinox of 2001. Believe it or not, it really wasn't planned that way. We both wished to get married in September and the only Saturday my dear friend and Wiccan High Priestess could officiate for us happened to be on Mabon of that year. I am convinced that it was definately meant to be!

I'd like to share with you all a poem I had written this past Spring for a blogger friend of mine who lives in the Southern Hemisphere and therefore celebrates Mabon while we Wiccans and Pagans alike living in the Northern parts are celebrating Imbolg and Ostara. I hope you enjoy it!

Painted Leaves
Colored bed beneath my feet,
The crisp, fresh air grows cool;
Painted leaves adorn the Earth,
All under Modron's rule

Aging Goddess; powerful, wise
Autumn's picture, Nature's guise
Celebration of beauty,
 the wheel turns on;
With painted leaves ~
'tis Blessed Mabon! 

~ Lady Caer Morganna


  1. Your poem is very beautiful, my Lady

  2. Autumn is less than a month away! It's definitely divine fate that your wedding took place on Mabon. Your poem is a lovely tribute to the most glorious time of year.

    1. Thank you, Jon! I thought that you might like the poem. ;-)

  3. Thank you for sharing your poem.

    All the best Jan
