Thursday, September 29, 2022

Odds 'n' Ends

Happy Thursday everyone! It is beginning to look and feel a lot like FALL finally. Yesterday, a very thoughtful co-worker surprised me with this cute little witch figurine and said to me, "I know how much you love Halloween!" THANK YOU, Heidi!

Meet "Endora" ...

Well, long story short, I bought one of these automated Black Cat toys a few years ago and it no longer works. It was supposed to move and play the song, "Black Magic Woman". I recently tried to replace it and THIS one does not work either!!! So, instead of wasting more of my time and money, I decided not to send it back. Since I do not need two if these non-working toys, I am going to hold a giveaway for any one who would be interested in having it ...

If anyone IS interested, please leave a comment to this post. Thank you and have a great day all!

1 comment:

  1. I like the tree -cat is cute -i got so much stuff everywhere lol
